How many Wordle words are there?

Wordle has a total of 2310 words in its curated list of possible answers and 12545 more words that cannot be answers but are still accepted as guesses for a total of 2310 + 12545 = 14855 words that can be used as guesses.

Wordle consists of two lists of words: one curated answers list which excludes regular plural, obscure and offensive words and one extensive list that can be used as guesses. The answer list has 2310 words while the extensive guesses list has 14855 words.

Before Wordle was acquired by the New York Times, the game had 2315 answer words. The New York Times has since removed 6 words that were considered obscure or offensive. They later added one word (KAZOO) making the final list 2315 - 6 + 1 = 2310 words.

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