Five Letter Words ending in F

We've curated a list of 95 five letter words ending in F for you below on this page.

Based on our database, 26 of these words are considered common and likely to be answers in Wordle. You can find the full list below, with possible answers highlighted in bold.

Based on our algorithms, the best words to try next in your Wordle game are the following:

  • shift
  • schif

These words are suggested based on how much more likely they are to eliminate maximum number of possible answers in a single turn.

Found 95 words.

  • aloof
  • bluff
  • brief
  • chaff
  • chief
  • cliff
  • dwarf
  • fluff
  • grief
  • gruff
  • motif
  • proof
  • scarf
  • scoff
  • serif
  • shelf
  • skiff
  • sniff
  • snuff
  • spoof
  • staff
  • stiff
  • stuff
  • thief
  • wharf
  • whiff
  • blaff
  • boeuf
  • calif
  • choof
  • chuff
  • cloff
  • daraf
  • decaf
  • draff
  • feoff
  • flaff
  • ganef
  • ganof
  • girlf
  • gliff
  • gonef
  • gonif
  • gonof
  • graff
  • griff
  • groof
  • grouf
  • houff
  • howff
  • kalif
  • kenaf
  • kloof
  • kreef
  • laarf
  • makaf
  • metif
  • mudif
  • nyaff
  • opgaf
  • pilaf
  • pluff
  • pouff
  • preif
  • prief
  • pyuff
  • quaff
  • quiff
  • quoif
  • radif
  • redif
  • reeaf
  • saunf
  • scaff
  • schif
  • scuff
  • scurf
  • sheaf
  • skeef
  • skelf
  • skoff
  • sluff
  • snarf
  • sowff
  • spiff
  • swarf
  • swerf
  • tawaf
  • thelf
  • trayf
  • treif
  • treyf
  • triff
  • wauff
  • whoof

Haven't found the word you're looking for? Make sure to only enter letters in known positions in the green tiles. If you know a letter exists in the word, but don't know where, put it in the yellow tiles. Click here to move all the green tiles to yellow and see if you can then find your word.

Common Prefix

Five Letter Words ending in F grouped by Common Prefix

aloofbluff, brief, blaff, boeufchaff, chief, cliff, calif, choof, chuff, cloffdwarf, daraf, decaf, drafffluff, feoff, flaffgrief, gruff, ganef, ganof, girlf, gliff, gonef, gonif, gonof, graff, ...houff, howffkalif, kenaf, kloof, kreeflaarfmotif, makaf, metif, mudifnyaffopgafproof, pilaf, pluff, pouff, preif, prief, pyuffquaff, quiff, quoifradif, redif, reeafscarf, scoff, serif, shelf, skiff, sniff, snuff, spoof, staff, stiff, ...thief, tawaf, thelf, trayf, treif, treyf, triffwharf, whiff, wauff, whoof14743132414117332674ABCDFGHKLMNOPQRSTWPrefix02468101214161820222426↑ Count

Common Suffix

Five Letter Words ending in F grouped by Common Suffix

daraf, decaf, kenaf, makaf, opgaf, pilaf, reeaf, sheaf, tawafbrief, chief, grief, thief, ganef, gonef, kreef, prief, skeefbluff, chaff, cliff, fluff, gruff, scoff, skiff, sniff, snuff, staff, ...motif, serif, calif, gonif, kalif, metif, mudif, preif, quoif, radif, ...shelf, girlf, skelf, thelfsaunfaloof, proof, spoof, choof, ganof, gonof, groof, kloof, whoofdwarf, scarf, wharf, laarf, scurf, snarf, swarf, swerfboeuf, grouftrayf, treyf993813419822AFEFFFIFLFNFOFRFUFYFSuffix0510152025303540↑ Count

Most Frequent Letters

The Most Frequent Letters in the words above

371932136421303028141471014412102691143020406080100120140Count →ABCDEFGHIKLMNOPQRSTUWYLetter