Does Wordle repeat words?

No, Wordle has never repeated a word so far as of May 8, 2024. But, since the number of five letter words in the English language is finite, it is inevitable that words will be repeated eventually.

According to our last update, there are 2310 valid answers in Wordle. Wordle began on June 19, 2021, with the first answer being CIGAR. Since then, there have been 1055 Wordle daily puzzles, one each day, with Wordle #1055 released today on May 8, 2024.

Unless the curators of Wordle add more words to the answers list, Wordle will run out of new words 1255 days from today, on October 15, 2027, and we will see the first repeated word on October 16, 2027.

But I'm Pretty Sure I've Seen a Wordle Answer Repeated!

It might be possible that you're playing a different clone version of Wordle (like "Wordle Unlimited") and not the official one on the New York Times website. The answer sets for different versions of Wordle are not the same, and some versions might have a smaller word list than the official one, or you might have seen an answer that was on one of the Wordle clones once and then was used by a different Wordle clone later.

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